Durability Testing
Chloride transport test set up
The experimental set – up for the rapid chloride permeability (RCP) and non-steady state migration (NSSM) test is a German Instruments PROOVE’it Rapid Chloride Permeability Test System. The 8 channels PROOVE ́it system, capable of testing from 5 to 60 Volts, can perform:
- The “Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT)” or “Coulomb test” in accordance with ASTM C1202 or AASHTO T 277 by determining the total electrical charge passed through a saturated concrete specimen when an electrical potential across the specimen is applied.
- The“Chloride Migration Coefficient,” by measuring the penetration depth of chloride ions, after an electric potential is applied to the specimen in accordance with Nordtest Build 492 or EN 12390-18.
- The Bulk Conductivity or Resistivity can be determined in accordance with ASTM C1760 if the current passing through a saturated concrete specimen is measured during 1 minute.
Length change measuring device
The equipment is used to measure the length change of mortar specimens in accordance with ASTM C157. The size of the beam specimen should be 1” x 1” x 12”.